The tt_news search is a simple text-search that searches in a configurable list of fields (by default this fields will be searched: title, short (subheader), bodytext, author, keywords, links, and imagecaption). The default list of searchfields can be overwritten with the TS parameter “searchFieldList”.


# this will configure tt_news to search only in the fields “title” and “short”.  

plugin.tt_news.searchFieldList = title,short

The fieldnames in “searchFieldList” will be validated before writing them to a database query.

The search can be configured to display its results on another page (see ->searchPid).

Note: The “SEARCH” element does not need a “LIST” element to display its results (if no “searchPid” is defined)

You can choose between displaying all items in the result list when opening the searchpage, or showing only the input form (see -> emptySearchAtStart)

If no global “Starting point” (pid_list) is configured the “Starting Point” of the news “SEARCH” element must point to the folder where your news records are stored.


Version Preview

If the extension "version" is enabled on the system, a new "code" (VERSION_PREVIEW) will be added to the "what to display" selector in the tt_news content element. If a content element with this code exists on a page, it does nothing until the GET var "ADMCMD_vPrev" is set which indentifies a version preview. Unfortenutely the id of the page for the version preview is not configurable, so the VERSION_PREVIEW element has to be on the next displayable page above the news sysfolder in the pagetree. This doesn't work if the news folder is in the first level of the pagetree without a normal page above it.

The version preview is triggered by clicking on the red marked preview symbol in the versioning view in the BackEnd.


If a version preview is displayed a message with a link to the original version of the article will be inserted above it. see “versionPreviewMessage_stdWrap” and “versionPreviewMessageLinkToOriginal_stdWrap”.


“direct preview” with the save&preview button doesn't work in editforms of non-public versions of news articles -> use  “version preview” instead.



If the news extension doesn't display anything (not even an error message) check the following:


  1. did you set a “static template (from Extensions)” in your TS-template?

  2. is the header of the content element displayed on the website? If this is the case then the news content element seems to be configured correctly

  3. Are there any news records in the folder where the "Starting point" field points to?

  4. Did you unhide the news records before saving them.

  5. If you typed the path to the html-template directly in the TS setup-field:  is the html-template located in the correct path? (path is case sensitive)

  6. Enable the admin panel (config.adminPanel=1) in your TS setup and look for error messages in the “TypoScript” section: (to see the possible TS errors set the checkboxes as shown in the screen shot below)


  1. clear all TYPO3 caches, clear your Browser cache.



  1. Q: Is the singlePid required?A: yes, since tt_news 1.3.0 it is not possible to see the single view on the f.e. LIST page when no singlePid was defined.  

  2. Q: What means this error message: "Attempt to insert record on page '[root-level]' (0) where this table, tt_news_cat, is not allowed"?A: That means, that you didn't define a "General Records Storage page"  (-> see next question) and so TYPO3 tries to create the new news-category in the rootpage (page id=0).

  3. Q: what is the "General Records Storage page" (GRSP) and where do I have to set it?A: If you set “use StoragePid” in the extension manager, the "GRSP" points to the page, where to look for categories that are displayed in forms in the BackEnd. The “GRSP” has to be set in the page properties of your websites rootpage (the page with “is root of the website” flag) Remember: The "General Records Storage page" (or “StoragePid”) is not the “Starting Point”


if you have a pagetree like shown in the screenshot below (and “useStoragePid” is enabled), the only page, where you have to set the "General Record Storage page", is the one named "tt_news example 1". All pages below this page will take this setting if it is not overwritten by setting this value in another page.


If your page structure requires, that the news folder(s) are not located under one pagetree, you have to set the "General Records Storage page"  for each news sysfolder and the rootpage of your site:


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